Flow cytometry consulting
For clinical laboratories, researchers, students and academics.
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The story behind FlowMentor

FlowMentor was born from the union of efforts of two specialists in the areas of Hematology and Flow Cytometry. Longtime friends who built their careers in the largest and best diagnostic services in the country, such as DASA (biggest diagnostics company in Brazil), Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFUSP,largest public hospital in Latin America) and Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (amid the 50 best hospitals in the world).

The Desire to Democratize Knowledge

Bothered by the difficulty of accessing quality training in Hematology and Flow Cytometry and willing to take this knowledge outside the large centers in Brazil, in June 2020 they created Flowmentor, a technical, scientific and educational consultancy.
Flowmentor was born from the desire to change and democratize knowledge in the diagnostic area. It was also born from the desire to simplify Flow Cytometry and support Labs in the analysis of the complex data it generates. Flowmentor makes diagnosis simple so we can all focus on what really matters: the patient.


Promote the transformation of lives and businesses globally through knowledge, offering excellent solutions for integrated onco-hematological diagnosis, facilitating processes, deliveries and communication to drive transformation


To be a reference in knowledge and teaching of Hematology, Human Cytogenetics and Flow Cytometry, and a leader in offering solutions for the best diagnosis in 3 and 5 years forward.


Integrity, confidentiality, high quality, teamwork, focus on customer needs, ethical conduct, humanism, innovation, respect for deadlines, socio-environmental commitment.


The best team

At Flowmentor we all believe that the most important thing is the patient, and we work together to deliver an integrated diagnostics, that is, coordinated, interpreted and result-oriented with the highest quality and in the shortest time.
For this, Flowmentor has recognized professionals with great experience and in their field, whether in Hematology, Flow Cytometry, or Human Cytogenetics.
Team spirit guides our work and confidentiality comes first.

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Nome do curso vai aqui nessa parte

Data: 21/06/2020
Local: Campo Grande/MS

Nome do curso vai aqui nessa parte

Data: 21/06/2020
Local: Campo Grande/MS

Nome do curso vai aqui nessa parte

Data: 21/06/2020
Local: Campo Grande/MS

O que nossos

Clientes estão dizendo


A Beckman Coulter Life Sciences combina duas das marcas mais conhecidas em laboratórios: Beckman Instruments, fundada pelo Dr. Arnold Beckman, em 1935, e Coulter Corporation, fundada por Wallace e Joseph Coulter, em 1958. Em 2012, a empresa Danaher comprou a Beckman Coulter e dividiu-a em “Diagnostics” e “Life Sciences”.

Com mais de 80 anos de história em ciência e tecnologia, desafiamos a sabedoria convencional e nos posicionamos como fonte de inovação para resolver desafios biológicos complexos.

Contamos com uma unidade de negócios de biotecnologia, com centrífugas e manipuladores automatizados de líquidos, uma unidade de negócios de citometria de fluxo, com citômetros e reagentes de fluxo, além de analisadores de particulados e de células, e reagentes de genômica.

Estamos no Brasil, México, Colômbia, Porto Rico e temos mais de 30 distribuidores certificados, treinados e avaliados para atender a vários mercados. Nossa equipe de aplicações, treinada nos EUA e na Europa, está pronta para ajudar nossos clientes, de forma ágil, fornecendo soluções inovadoras e confiáveis. Nossos engenheiros de serviço cobrem todo o território latino-americano e são treinados na fábrica para consertar e calibrar nossos instrumentos com os mais altos e exigentes padrões.

Nosso esforço é fornecer soluções com a melhor experiência, no menor prazo possível, porque sabemos o quanto é importante o pós-venda para nossos clientes.

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